Smršao je 40 KILOGRAMA samo da bi mogao da trči za decom, sad za njim trče mame: "Neverovatno šta sam uradio za 5 meseci"

Džeremaja Piterson je 4. avgusta 2017. godine shvatio da život sa troje male dece zahteva kondiciju. Umesto da zaposli bebisiterku ili da sve obaveze prepusti supruzi, on se bacio na težak posao, samo zbog svoje dece.

Ilustracija, foto: Depositphotos/khorzhevska
Ilustracija, foto: Depositphotos/khorzhevska

Džeremaja je imao 127 kilograma pre nego što je promenio način ishrane i pre nego što je počeo aktivno da vežba. Glavni razlog za promene u ritmu života su troje dece uzrasta devet, sedam i šest godina. Naime, Piterson je primetio da ne može da uživa u svakodnevnim aktivnostima sa svojim klincima jer bi se jako brzo zamorio ili ostajao bez daha. Kako je ispričao za "Independent", umesto da uživa na odmoru sa decom, on bio bio stalno umoran i iscprljen.


DO YOU STRUGGLE WITH SELF-CONFIDENCE? Self-confidence is something we build by setting goals for ourselves and achieving them. The harder the goal, the more confidence we gain from reaching it. For myself, a lot of my self-confidence has come from meeting my fitness and body image goals from my transformation. If you're suffering from a lack of self-confidence and searching for a way to improve yours, try setting some fitness or weight loss goals. When you achieve them, you'll gain the confidence to believe you can do more. Then your going to find you don’t just have confidence with your body, but in other aspects of your life as well. Do it now. Make sure that you take some step, right now, to further your progress. One of the things I’ve learned over my transformation is that the “I’ll do it tomorrow” promise is never fulfilled. Never ever. Tomorrow will fill up with the same distractions and mind-numbing tasks as yesterday, and that promise will be broken. The thing about promises is that the more we break, the harder it gets to fulfill them in the future. The only time to do something is right now. Do something! Don’t wait until tomorrow, don’t wait ten minutes, don’t wait at all. Let’s do this together! I will be your personal one on one Coach. Me and only me. No computerized programs or apps working with whoever is scheduled that day. Im just but a normal person that’s been there and knows what it takes to change your life forever. I’m that guy! . Website link up in my Bio! Send me a DM with any questions??? . #letsdothis

Објава коју дели The Keto Fitness Coach (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) дана


"Trebalo bi da imam lepa sećanja na putovanja i letovanja sa decom, ali jedino čega se sećam sa svih naših zajedničkih akcija je da nisam imao vazduha i da sam bio umoran. Pomislio sam - imaš troje dece, uradi nešto".

Džeremaja je 4. avgusta 2017. godine okrenuo drugi list u svom životu i bacio se na ozbiljan posao. Promenio je režim ishrane koji je dogovorio sa svojim trenerom i počeo aktivno da posećuje teretanu. Kao rezultat izgubio je 37 kilograma i sad ga mame napadaju na Instagramu jer izgleda kao da je upravo ispao sa naslovnice nekog muškog magazina. Trenutno je zagovornik keto dijete.


Do you have a motivation problem, or a commitment problem? . How many times have you gotten fired up about starting a new diet or beginning a new exercise routine? . That fire is motivation. . Motivation is internal and it happens all the time... . You find that inspiring body transformation on instagram that blows your mind or you run into a friend that has lost weight and those triggers push you to say, “I can do this too!” . But then, come Monday morning the triggers are nowhere in sight and motivation starts to disappear. . You begin making excuses to sleep in or eat your usual breakfast and before you know it you’re back to your old routine, telling yourself “maybe I’ll start next week.” . This is an indication of a commitment problem, not a motivation problem. . So how do you fix a commitment problem? . What if I told you I have the exercise and diet program to do just that and it’s HALF OFF RIGHT NOW! . One of the best lessons I’ve learned in reaching my own goals is it is way more important to be committed then to just be motivated. . If you are lacking commitment I encourage you to check out the Lifestyle program that is 50% Off right now. . Website Link is up in my BIO. ➡️Use code july4th. . I promise you it will get you on the right path to achieving your fitness goals.

Објава коју дели The Keto Fitness Coach (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) дана


Interesantno je da je Džeremaja bio toliko uporan u svojoj želji da se oseća i izgleda bolje da je za 152 dana izgubio kilažu i nabacio mišićnu masu.

"Biću iskren, ubio sam se od vežbanja", zaključio je Džeremaja.

Izvor: Žena.blic