MAJKA SEDMORO DECE otkrila šta radi kada ih sve smesti u krevet i ceo svet je šokiran: Nije sve dobro i sa srećnim završetkom...

Australijska blogerka Konstans Hol poznata je širom sveta - ne samo zbog činjenice da ima sedmoro dece, već i zbog specifičnog načina na koji ih odgaja i vaspitava, a o kojem redovno bloguje i izveštava na društvenim mrežama.


Konstansina deca jedu rukama, ne kupaju se redovno, često se ponašaju neobuzdano, a s obzirom da ih ima toliko, možda i ovo nije toliko neuobičajeno.

Ali, dok se većina trudi da prikrije pravu istinu i prikaže svoje živote savršeno urednim i skockanim, ova influenserka ne filtrira pravo stanje stvari i o svemu priča otvoreno i bez zadrške.


"Ovo je moderna porodica, i o tome je ovaj blog. Mi žene radimo kao i muškarci, ali je na nama 90 odsto kućnih poslova , tako da jednakost nije donela previše toga dobrog nama ženama. Uglavnom smo samo još više umorne. Osim ako ne prestanemo da radimo i ne počnemo da živimo u bedi što stvarno ne bih volela", napisala je kontroverzna blogerka nedavno.


Warning Graphic Content. I need your help, please don't look away. Remember last year when we crowd funded enough money to build a house for sexually abused you girls in Kenya through Rafiki Mwema.? I therapeutic home for some of the worlds most traumatised children. Well you know I really wouldn't ask if we weren't desperate, but things have taken a turn. I only just got news that Rafiki in big trouble. New children have come to Rafiki, children (as young as toddlers) so traumatised by rape, some from their own fathers, others for entire communities, prostitution, boys as young as 7, diseased after being raped, beaten and forced into bestiality, these are the children that the world has tried to forget, discarded children with nobody. One of our little girls is so traumatised that she needs a psychiatric nurse with her 24 hours a day. And despite a huge shortage in funds, Rafiki can't say no. We have 70 children and our numbers are growing. They contacted me, because they (we) need you. All of the public hospitals in Kenya have been on strike for months and months, this has made reconstructive surgery for our girls and disease treatment for our boys extremely expensive and nearly impossible, Rafiki literally do not know how to continue paying these fees, fees that are essential to these children livelihoods. At the moment, their current sponsors (including me) donations, auctions, just aren't cutting it. They need us, these babies have nobody, they need you. Please help. At Rafiki the children are cared for as if they had a loving aunty who could never hurt them, as if they have a family of empathy to keep them warm and safe, to our children Rafiki is the dream, too good to be true, a placed that they can finally sleep with 2 eyes closed. I call them “our” children, I say that “we” are looking after them, because once you make a donation at Rafiki you literally become the family that these kids never thought they deserved. We know better, we know they deserve the world, just like your kids, just like mine. Go to the link in the bio at @rafikicastle to donate and please be a part of saving these babies with us ?

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Inače, ovu damu zovu i "anti-influenser", zbog toga što je potpuno drugačija od ostalih mami na Instagramu, ali joj zbog toga ne nedostaje popularnosti - "religiozno" je prati pola miliona ljudi, a u rodnoj Australiji ima status zvezde.


Ona je priznala i kako joj polazi za rukom da izdrži dinamičan, često i stresan tempo života sa sedmoro dece. Naime, Konstans svako veče nakon što decu smesti u postelju konzumira alkohol, i kaže da je to jedini način da izdrži teror sa kojim je suočena.

"Zaista mislim da su žene hrabre i sjajne, da bi trebalo da budu glave u svemu i da treba da se uvede matrijarhat svuda na svetu. Mislim da me ljudi vole jer prikazujem realnost života. Nije sve dobro i sa srećnim završetkom. Nadam se da činim da se ljudi osećaju bolje u svojoj koži", dodala je ona.

Izvor: Žena.blic